7 kitchen tools everyone should use

by | Feb 20, 2021 | KeySignaturesInc Journey, Lifestyle, Shopping | 12 comments

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kitchen tools

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Do you ever see those silly cartoons or comedies where the husband gives the wife a frying pan or vacuum for her birthday or anniversary? You just think to yourself, “what the hell was he thinking?!”

Not me! I think about the kitchen tools different brand that he should have bought or how jealous I am the that the person on TV has something and I don’t. They should be thrilled! LMAO!

My husband is a woodworker for fun. So every year he puts together his list of tools he wants and he’s ridiculously happy for Christmas and his birthday.

Me? My list looks like a bridal registry! I go through the entire kitchen checklist every year and what needs to be upgraded or replaced.

Have I cracked enough dishes to warrant a new set? What WAS that tool I thought that would work really well on this meal and I could cook in half the time?

Almost 20 years later, I have replaced most of my small appliances and dishes just from every day wear and tear. My stuff gets USED!

I love to cook. I hate to clean (that comedy show really can take that vacuum and shove it unless it’s one of those roomba things)

I truly feel that I am spoiled rotten by my husband as I get my “trade tools” for Christmas and my birthday too and he gets the benefit of eating everything I make.

What makes me an authority on what kitchen tools you should have? I can only go by what my friends and family have said and bought because I had it. That is as authoritative as I can be.

Without further ado, the kitchen tools that everyone should use

  • Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer
Kitchen aid stand mixer

I L.O.V.E my kitchen aid. Seriously. Like, I am going to cry if/when it dies. Now yes, this is the smaller model (4.5 Quart). I actually prefer this one. After using the larger one at my parents house, I personally, found it to be cumbersome and just did not work for me.

That one above is the one that I own for the past 18 YEARS! My most favorite kitchen tool! I received it as a bridal shower gift and have spent many years finding many uses for it. I use it for so much.

Mixing cookie dough as well as making frosting from scratch.

I don’t have to touch the ground beef when I am mixing it up for meatballs or meatloaf.

Mashed potatoes come together quickly.

Any amateur chef would love this kitchen tool as a gift plus accessories for a lifetime!

  • Best. Attachment. Ever

I did not know that I needed this until I got it!

NO MORE SCRAPING DOWN THE BOWL!! It’s so freaking fantastic.

I have 2 options for this. The first one is a slightly thinner one that I use more than the thicker option. Less flour flying with this first one.

This second option is a little thicker. I like this one for when I am mixing hamburger either for meatloaf, meatballs or hamburger patties. In a pinch, I will use this when making cooking dough or frosting, but I find that I have more flying powder incidents with this one (also learned that by using a kitchen towel draped over the top of the kitchen aid and dropping over the bowl before turning on the mixer, this happens a little less)

There’s a million attachements including a pasta maker, cheese grater, ice cream maker (yup) and so much more

I have mentioned it before and I will talk about all the damn time. You’ll never over cook a piece of meat ever again. It is almost impossible to do so. Tender and tasty is all you’re going to get when you cook with this precision cooker. There are different models out there.

This small appliance kitchen tool is essential to expensive cuts of meat (That you buy on sale, of course)

This particular model is the one that I have been using for the past 3 years and it has lived up to the hype. While you may be turned off by the idea of cooking your delicious porterhouse steak in a water bath, when it hits your mouth, all doubts will be cast aside.

I can’t imagine any chef not living without this particular tool especially if they are big time meat eaters.

The Food Saver is essential for many reasons. The Sous Vide being one of them.

When you vacuum seal the meat that you are putting in the water bath, it helps the food to stay submerged much easier than the water displacement method.

Also, using the food saver is fabulous for the trips you make to Costco and buy a million dollars worth of meat that you don’t want to get freezer burned.

Ours definitely gets a workout.

Another chef gift that I did not know I wanted until I got it.

The best reason that we use it for is leftovers! LOL!

Yes, I do cook meals in it, but, when we want reheated leftover chicken cutlets, it’s as if I just fried them up fresh! Outstanding.

Reheat pizza. Make amazingly crispy fries.

I made breaded pork chops last week and I could not get over how juicy and tender they were. I’ll definitely be following up this post with a recipe for them. But in the meantime, try this other non air fryer related pork chop recipe if you’re a fan like I am.

Good lord I don’t know how I went so many years without one. I really thought my dutch oven was all I needed for my pot roast or corned beef.

Now I make the most amazing pot roast dinner that gets requested quite often. I try to save this particular meal for when I have a late night of teaching because then it is sitting there, all tender and hot, sitting in its’ steamed heavenly juices.

I am part of a Facebook page that posts the most delicious recipes and answers questions quicker than you can flip your steam release valve.

I own SO MANY of their cooking utensils. Spatulas – both metal and silicone, spoons, ladles, can openers, graters, etc….

This brand is my go to. Reliable and sturdy. These tools have certainly withstood quite a bit of abuse over the years.

  • Cast Iron Skillet

Every kitchen should have at least one cast iron skillet. This multi use pan is amazing and can be used from oven to BBQ. Amazing for searing steaks (especially on cold, snowy NY nights that I can’t get near the BBQ after using the sous vide)

I bake an AWESOME bacon jalapeno corn bread using mine also that gives the bread the most amazing crust. Impeccable.

Whatever your preference (mine being non stick EVERYTHING) this is a set of kitchen tools that you must have.

Frying pans in multiple sizes (6″ to 12″) plus pots for boiling or simmering.

I really like having a pasta pot with a lid that attaches and strains the water

Also great for boiling potatoes as well.

That’s about all we have for this basic list. Check back soon for when I get into baking necessities. You’ll love that list – many more ideas that you probably didn’t know you needed!!

Mother’s Day is May 9

Have you started shopping yet?

Mother’s Day Gift Guide



  1. Giangi Townsend

    Life without my KitchenAid and iron skillet will not be worth living, kidding a bit, but I use them so much and I really would not know what to do without them.
    Great list love all your suggestions

    • keysignaturesinc

      Thanks Giangi! My goodness- it’s amazing how attached we get to these tools! My KitchenAid doesn’t get a day off!

  2. Alondra

    Such a great post. Just in time since I’m wanting to upgrade a lot of kitchen things haha.

    • keysignaturesinc

      HAHA I am CONSTANTLY upgrading! I’m glad my husband has to buy tools so I don’t feel bad buying mine!!!

  3. Candace

    I love these kitchen tools! I hear good things about the insta pot, so I’m considering purchasing one. Thanks!

    • keysignaturesinc

      I gave in to the hype last year and so glad I did!!!!

      • Jessica

        I love my kitchen aid and cast iron pots and pans!!

  4. Sarah Styf

    I have to agree with all of these. We have a multicooker that does sous vide, air frying, and instapot. I really hope to eventually get a gas stove so I can more easily use cast iron in my kitchen.

    • keysignaturesinc

      PLease tell me what brand your multicooker is! I don’t know that I could give up habit of having the individual pieces, but my MIL has tried to get me to look into an air fryer style toaster oven.

  5. Megan

    So helpful! I’ve been wondering if I should add a KitchenAid mixer to my wedding registry since they’re pricy but I think I’ve been convinced!

    • keysignaturesinc

      1000% you need to put it on your registry! you won’t regret it! Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials!



  1. 9 Gifts for mom she will love ~ KeySignaturesInc - […] week I had written a post about all the kitchen tools every kitchen should […]

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