12 Weekend Boredom Busters with Best friends!

by | Apr 23, 2021 | KeySignaturesInc Journey | 0 comments

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Weekends with best friends! 

There are thousands of things to do with your besties! 

We’ve got some ideas here for you whether you want to spend little to no money or money is no object.  

***Please note that these activities can be with bestie, BAE, couple, squad or family.  If you have done one of our activities, send us an email with a picture (or many pictures)  and we’ll update our post with your pictures and a backlink to your website if you have one! 

Are you athletic (or want to be?!)  Here’s a way for you to inspire each other and make huge accomplishments together. 

How about the Couch to 5K challenge?  What better way to bitch and moan about how much it sucks and then get through is cursing and saying OK that wasn’t so bad.  

During covid, my cousin and her friends had a 6pm date 3 times a week to do a zumba workout together online and then have happy hour after.  It was the most “normal” thing to do for them. 

While they never got together to work out before, they did grow up playing softball together and so to do this seemed natural and they were all looking out for each other’s well being.  

Now that there are more opportunities to get out and about, find a local 5K to sign up for. 

We have our local favorites around here on Long Island that we are so excited are up and running (no pun intended) again that we can’t wait for the sign ups.

  My husband is a hobby runner.  (Is that seriously a thing?)  Me?  I’m a walker through and through.  I have arthritis throughout my body so bad that anything past a speed walk or sashay wreaks havoc on me for days. 

But at least I’m getting out there and enjoying it and feeling good after.  Especially the good races where they serve up the beer afterwards! 🙂

It’s early spring now and most of these races run through October around here.  Then there’s the Turkey Trots and the Gingerbread runs. 

They become more sporadic for sure once mid-October comes around.  

Food – my posts almost always come around to food.  It’s part of our everyday life, so why not have more fun with it?  

How many of your friends enjoy cooking?  Why not set off your own cooking competition?  A chili cook off?  Best smoked ribs?  Best fried chicken?  So many questions!

Or a baking contest?!  Set up a decorating station for a decoration contest.  There’s so many options here.  

Buy a spatula from the dollar store, paint it gold and make it the golden prize for an annual event that has to be handed off to the next winner.  

Do you just love to eat?  Go to the local bakery and buy all the wonderful pastries that they have GUILT FREE ( you’re going to start running, right? ) 

Our bakery makes their pastries in 2 different sized options.  Normally I would like to get the 6 in. Napoleon but instead, I feel less guilty when I buy the miniature version as well as mini eclairs and cream puffs and so on and so on!  Oh and those cookies…………..Now I’m hungry.  

Have you ever done that to yourself?  I was making breakfast the other morning and when I opened the fridge to get my eggs out, I saw my lunch bowl of fajitas just staring at me and I went back to the stove empty handed because my mind was on lunch already.  

Oh here’s another! Sticking with a food theme.

 Bake or put together some meals to deliver to some of your elderly neighbors.  You can give them a heads up that you are doing this if they have dietary restrictions.  Or if you know them well enough, you can make a few freezer meals.  

Paying it forward always feels good.

OK OK I will get off the food kick, at least for this post

 Outdoorsy things!  These truly can be family or friends!

Go fly a kite

If you live near the coast, make a day trip to the local beach, pack a picnic basket and a few kites.  When was the last time that you did it? 

I know it’s been several years because my boys stopped asking for them.  What about me?!  I want to fly a kite – guess what I am adding to my summer bucket list!

If you aren’t near the coast, you can google search areas near you that are good for kite flying!!  DId you even know that was possible??   Or check into one of the local parent groups to get their input. 

If you ARE near the coast or lake, why not make a message in a bottle? Or several?  Take a walk along the shore and throw it like skipping rocks. 

Make it silly or add an address to become pen pals (is that even a thing anymore?) Write a poem or some encouraging words.  Maybe start a story and add a hashtag to it that only the recipient will know and answer.  The ideas are endless here.  

Speaking of writing, when was the last time you wrote a letter to someone?  Not an email or a text, an actual handwritten letter?! 

Think about some family or friends that you haven’t seen in a while and start writing to them.  Tell someone that you love them and that you think of them and sorry that you haven’t been in touch.  Or that you heard a funny story the other day that got you thinking of them. 

It could just be the something that makes someone’s month, week or year! 

Back to being outdoorsy, go ride a bike.  Borrow from a friend.  Look into a local rental. 

There are parks and trails all over the place that are just begging to be ridden on.

And then we can circle back around to running! 

You have a million things to do at the park – it’s your willingness to get out there and do something that you haven’t done in years or ever that gets you going! 

In a previous post I told you to go and get on the swings!  Still one of my favorite things!!

Use every inch of that park as long as you aren’t knocking other little kids out of the way, you’ll have so much fun. 

Take PICTURES of the fun!  The wind blowing in your hair.  Laughing uncontrollably.  IT’s all totally worth it. 

What I wanted to try this year but can’t because my dog is a dope, is planting a pumpkin patch.  Ever watch Marley and Me?  Yeah – I got a chocolate Marley. 

So, I have to hope that my in-laws have a Charlie Brown moment and make their own pumpkin patch so we can harvest some amazing pumpkins.  (BTW – their garden is AH-MAZE-ING and my FIL grows the bestest jalapenos on the planet!!!!) 

I’ve done the topsy turvey tomatoes and strawberries and they were fantastic.  But then the dog got tall enough to tackle them and I’m too short to go any higher in the hanging of those gadgets, so, dog – 1, me – to the grocery store.

get your culture on!

Several years ago, I found an advertising for the first Harry Potter movie being shown at Radio City Music Hall with the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra playing the soundtrack during the showing.

HOLY MOLY! What an experience.
Such a good experience that it is now a semi annual tradition with my oldest son and several of his friends.

I have always been a fan of HP but this just sent it over the edge for me and the music teacher in me.

Every 6 months or so, they would release the next movie and I would make sure to get the same seats almost always for the kids. It’s become a mission!

We like to go to the early afternoon showing. We show up early and go to a restaurant and pig out. Then we’re off to the theatre to enjoy the show.

best friends

NJPAC in Newark NJ

The concert series moved there after the Radio City show. What a great place – I never mind the 2 hour drive time

The saddest part about this is Covid. We are on the last 2 movies now and they have been rescheduled so many times that the kids may be in college by the time the last movie is actually scheduled. I’m going to make them come home for a long, fun weekend!!

Harry Potter isn’t the only movie that does this. Many years ago, Disney’s Fantasia was remastered and rereleased in the same manner. I won tickets on the radio to go see that one. It was so impressive.

I’ve seen Star Wars movies advertised, as well as The Nightmare Before Christmas. I’m sure there are tons more being done just like this.

Check your local venues/theatres/cultural facilities to see if there’s anything available like this near you. So while you can’t do this on a whim, a little prep makes this an incredibly fun day!

be a local tourist

We have so many small towns here on Long Island. It’s odd that I haven’t explored more!

Just this past week I went to a restaurant that has been around for years in a town that I drive through all the time, but I did not know this place existed.

Find a nearby town and you and your best friend become local tourists. If you have a blog or any social influence, write about it! Take pics, make hashtags. Do it all. By reporting on your day as you go, you are becoming an influencer in your own backyard!

Browse all the Mom and Pop shops out there and post some pictures of the adorable items in their shops.

What looked delectable on the menus that you saw? Are there new drinks you never heard of?

Take it one step further and commit to shopping in the town too. Helping local economy is ALWAYS a good thing – that way the shop owner is happy and you got your retail therapy in!

One last pay it forward suggestion!

Buy a bunch of lotto scratchers! As you walk down the street, hand them out randomly. Or tip your waitress a few with your actual tip.

How fun to watch people’s reactions to the kindness of strangers.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend. Hopefully we have inspired you to get out and do something.

Don’t forget to send us pics so you can be featured right here on the blog!




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