Organizing for the new year!

by | Jan 3, 2021 | KeySignaturesInc Journey, Lifestyle, Shopping | 0 comments

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Happy New Year! Hopefully one full of health and deserved happiness that we can all benefit from. I’ve decided to take a slightly longer holiday hiatus from my daily 9 to 5. Need to get my life in order and this house organized and my children and husband back on course. Of course, I can only do this with the support of said husband and children, and they are behind me 100%!

First things first. Undecorating from the holidays and putting everything back where it came from. We do Christmas BIG!!! Even knowing the possibility of not seeing anyone during the season, didn’t stop us from top to bottom decor in the house. Husband even let me start almost immediately after Halloween just because he saw the joy that it brought me. He’s honestly the best man!!!!

We are a pretty good team with the organization process. We use labeled totes that get shoved to the back of the attic. Each tote has a list of what was in it. Each year, even with some of the decor rotated out, I seem to remember what belongs where and it’s a semi smooth process. Still takes several days to get it done.

Normally, we take advantage of end of season savings to maybe buy an extra storage box or labels. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this Brother label maker.

This gadget has labels all over the house. What’s really great is that I can also label certain decor as it is being put away as to where it went or what room it was in. Also, as we put the house back together and then start organizing for our taxes to be done, this guy comes in handy for keeping all of our categories and papers seperated. Neat and organized that someone else can read instead of my chicken scratch!!!

Since starting our new business, I haven’t quite got all the things organized as they should be. Paperwork for my accountant may not be what he wants it but I got this guy to help me

Between my piano register, medical bills, business receipts and every day mail, I truly needed something to help on this path. Simply stated and tucked in a corner but simple enough to help with the organziation process.

Once the household gets organized, it’s time to focus on me. I’m thinking about making my own seperate blog posts about this but in the spirit of the new year and organization, I had to find room for my new rower!I don’t know if it’s something that I am going to get into. What a perfect way to start.

Compact and lightweight (just under 20 pounds) – not me silly, the rower- I can move this from the middle of my den to a little corner of the room when not in use.

Granted, I am a tried and true treadmill girl. But I need a little more with my arms and core so thought this would be my best bet since it has 12 levels of resistance. I will keep some seperate posts up about this.

When making all of these decisions, husband and I both said January 4th. We wanted to keep the weekend the weekend. Monday is just as good a start as any other day. It’s nice to almost look forward to the reset button.

After all of that, I need to refocus on the Blog, Woodworking and Pinterest. I like the focus that it brings me and the joy of cutting wood and using a nail gun. It’s fun and different.

Painting the rest of the doorways that I started sporadically in May. Building the blanket ladder that I have had the wood for since September. Finishing up editing the piano recital my students worked hard for – a very belated Christmas gift to their families – if the post office can put out a blanket apology for being behind, can’t I?????




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